SPhERe Logo

6th Braunschweig International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research

08 – 10 October 2025

SPhERe 2025

International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research

Dear colleagues, partners and friends,

on behalf of the Scientific Committee and the Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering I cordially invite scientists, researchers and professionals from industry, academia and research institutions to participate in the 6th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research – SPhERe. The conference will take place from October 08 – 10, 2025 in Braunschweig, Germany.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Schilde
Conference Chair

About SPhERe

SPhERe addresses major issues on innovative methods and processes to develop and manufacture effective and customized drugs in a cost-efficient manner. Bringing together pharmacists, process and production engineers as well as microtechnologists from academia and industry, the conference will promote multidisciplinary exchange and collaboration.

The symposium is an excellent forum specially for young scientists to share and discuss important new developments and scientific advancements in pharmaceutical engineering and related fields.

Conference contributions are especially invited addressing – but are not limited to:

  • API Synthesis
  • Scale-Up / Scale-Down Processes
  • Analytics, Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
  • Solid, Semi-Solid & Liquid Dosage Forms
  • Digital Models in Pharmaceutical Processes
  • Microsystems for Pharmaceutical Development

In particular, we would like to motivate young professionals to exchange ideas with colleagues from Europe and beyond to present their results in this multidisciplinary setting. For early career scientists the conference offers the chance to get in touch with advanced researchers who will provide insight into their different career paths. The best posters will be honoured with SPhERe Poster Awards.

Photo by Marisol Glasserman / TU Braunschweig


The program will be published soon.

Call for Abstracts

SPhERe is dedicated to Pharmaceutical Engineering Research, an interdisciplinary field in which engineering and pharmacy join forces. The conference provides a unique opportunity for getting an overview of the state of research, addressing not only scientific but also practical challenges.

The conference will cover the following topics
– but are not limited to –

  • API Synthesis
  • Scale-Up / Scale-Down Processes
  • Analytics, Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
  • Solid, Semi-Solid & Liquid Dosage Forms
  • Digital Models in Pharmaceutical Processes
  • Microsystems for Pharmaceutical Development

Abstract submission and registration deadline

30 May 2025. For registration deadline please refer to Dates to know.

The acceptance of the contributions will be based on the review of the abstracts by the Scientific Committee. Please note that your abstract will only be published in the conference volume if you accept the Open Access Consent by signature and upload of the signed document. Please note that the Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering will NOT make any changes or corrective action regarding the author information, so please make sure to check them accurately. Registration fee cannot be waived for presenting authors.

Abstracts of the SPhERe conference will be published in a conference volume. An electronic version of the conference volume will be provided to the participants. Additionally abstracts will published OPEN ACCESS by the library of TU Braunschweig. For including your abstract in the conference volume as well as for Open Access publication the organiser and the library need the written consent of the presenting author.

Your publications will be published in compliance with the applicable German copyright law, which means that the copyright remains with you. You only transfer the simple, unlimited right of use to Braunschweig University Library to reproduce, store, make the submitted publication publicly accessible on its servers. Please note that you may need to obtain the consent of co-authors for publishing. It is your responsibility to fulfill the copyright and exploitation rights of third parties.

Please use the Open Access Consent form and submit your signed written consent together with your abstract via the Online Abstract Submission.

Abstracts without written consent will not be published in the conference volume. There will will be no reminders to submit your written consent by the organisers.

The organiser additionally plans a SPhERe-related special issue in Pharmaceutics, an MDPI Open Access Journal. Upon abstract submission, please indicate your interest in publishing a regular paper (publication is subject to fees).

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 30.05.2025
  • Confirmation of authors / Set-up of the final programme: 25.07.2025
  • Deadline for registration of active authors: 22.08.2025
  • Deadline for registration of participants without presentation: 12.09.2025

Editorial deadline for the list of participants: 19.09.2025

Length of the oral presentations:

  • Keynote lecture: 45 minutes including discussion (35+10)
  • Invited lecture: 25 minutes including discussion (20+5)
  • Regular lecture: 15 minutes including discussion (12+3)

Strict time keeping will be essential for the smooth running of the conference.

Please prepare your slides as a pptx file. In case you use special software for your presentation or if you have videos included into your file, please ask for a test run at the beginning of the conference.

Information will follow

The poster presentation is an important facet of the scientific programme. The posters will be clustered and presented according to the final poster programme. We would like to motivate especially young scientists to submit an abstract for a poster presentation.

  • Poster size: A0
  • Poster format: Portrait.

Posters will be accessible throughout the conference.

Registration & Fees

Thank you for your interest in the 6th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research of the Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering which will be held from 08-10 October 2025.

Registration is open from 14th February until 15th September 2025. After your registration you receive a confirmation e-mail and an invoice including payment details. Please note special conditions for abstract submitters below.

The registration fee includes the conference ticket, an electronic conference volume, beverages, lunches, and conference dinner on 09th October 2025.

Registration will open soon!

Registration Fees 1)

Participants from Early Bird 2) Regular Registration 2-Day Tickets 3)
Industry 600 EUR 650 EUR 530 EUR
ProPharm members industry 450 EUR 500 EUR 350 EUR
Academia 450 EUR 500 EUR 350 EUR
PhD students, students 4) 320 EUR 370 EUR

1) Registration fees are net amounts. According to § 3a III Nr. 5 UStG the registration fee is to be calculated with 19% VAT. For participants from abroad, the service is only affected to a limited extent by the possibility of reversing the tax liability.

2) Early bird registration is possible until tba.

3) There are two options for day tickets. Tickets are available from Wednesday to Thursday and from Thursday to Friday, respectively.

4) In order to obtain reduced access to the conference please send an electronic copy of your student card as a single PDF-file. Please use the online registration for submitting your student card copy.

Past Conferences

To get an impression of previous SPhERe conferences please screen the information of the years 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2023. Open access publications of SPhERe 2019, 2021 and 2023 are summarized in the conference proceedings.

Photo by Marisol Glasserman / TU Braunschweig

Gallery 2019

All photos by Marisol Glasserman / TU Braunschweig

Gallery 2021

All photos by Marisol Glasserman / TU Braunschweig

Gallery 2023

All photos by Justine Anders/Zentrum für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik/TU Braunschweig

Conference Organisation

TU Braunschweig
Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering
Franz-Liszt-Str. 35a
38106 Braunschweig

08 – 10 October 2025

Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering (TU Braunschweig) with iTUBS mbH.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carsten Schilde

Scientific Committee
Ludger Beerhues (TU Braunschweig) • Kerstin Wohlgemuth (TU Dortmund University) • Johan Remmelgas (AstraZeneca) • Thomas Winkler (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) • Stephan Scholl (TU Braunschweig) • Denise Steiner (Universität Münster)

Organisation Committee
Iordania Constantinou • Emanuela Montefrancesco • Stephan Reichl • Matthias Schiedel • Carsten Schilde, Conference Chair (TU Braunschweig)

The conference language is English.

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Center of Pharmaceutical Engineering
SPhERe Conference Office
Franz-Liszt-Straße 35a
38106 Braunschweig, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)531 391 65502
E-Mail: pvz-sphere@tu-braunschweig.de

Web: www.pvz-sphere.de

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Zentrum für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik (PVZ)

Franz-Liszt-Str. 35a

38106 Braunschweig


Technische Universität Braunschweig is a statutory corporation. The PVZ with its SPhERe conference website is legally represented at a decentralized server by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arno Kwade.

Controlling authority:

Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony

Leibnizufer 9

30169 Hannover



EU VAT number:

DE 152330858

Responsibility under the German Press Law §55 Sect. 2 RStV

Zentrum für Pharmaverfahrenstechnik (PVZ)

Managing Director Dr. Emanuela Montefrancesco

Franz-Liszt-Str. 35a

38106 Braunschweig

Contact: pvz@tu-braunschweig.de


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